Wednesday, 13 August 2014

Common mistakes made when designing a logo

Designing is an important element when it comes to companies completely dependent on design for
communications. Making any design for a national or multinational company involves a lot of creativity and widespread scope of understanding what the client actually wants. Many a times, companies loose designers and companies because they do not understand what the client actually wants. Let’s go through some steps that are necessary to avoid making when designing any concept.

Whenever you are making company logo designs for anywhere in the world, the following are important to follow,

1.       Copying other designs: Whenever you are making any concept, make sure it is original and not a copy of someone else’s work. It is not bad to do some research on designs and it’s good to take inspiration but there is a fine line between inspiration and copying a design. Make sure you know where to draw that line. Any concept must be completely different from the one you saw for inspiration. 

2.       Using amateur designers for high priority Clients: Your clients are your assets; you need to entertain them at all costs. If you lose one client you lose a chunk of your business. You need to handle clients in the most appropriate manner ever. Use a trained and experienced designer to handle important clients. This will help you in the long run. Your designer should know how to read between the lines and make the designer, hopefully, better than what the client wants. 

3.       Making complex designs: Anything that your boss or the client does not understand is complex. Keep it simple is the golden rule here. Don’t go for any complex design that acquires too much time in the making. Go for something simple yet amazing. Spending a lot of time on one design means that your other clients are on hold. This will put a bad impression on your clientele on the work flow of your company. 

4.       Choosing a bad font: Bad fonts are a disaster. If your client cannot understand the font, your design is gone to waste. Your time and effort with it. Don’t go for something too simple either; the design should be in line with your font and vice versa. There should be no clash in these two because the font and the design will be on the forefront of the big picture. They will the face of the company, you should keep these simple and in line with each other. 

5.       Using bad colors: Bad colors are similar to bad fonts, they just make you move away from the product or service the company has to offer. Choosing the right color is key to making a good concept work. Understand color psychology and also the color requirements of the client. This will help you in analyzing what combinations to use and what not to use. 

6.       Too much effect: Using too many effects may make the concept look bad. This will make the images look blurry and distorted. Avoid using these too much. 

7.       Crowding your design: Make your design simple and distinct from the rest. Do not use too much imagery or content. 

8.       Trendy logos: don’t run after what is new and trending. Go for something different and unique. If your concept lacks innovation, it will be a complete failure. Making a copy of an already existing concept makes the whole situation even worse. 

9.       Not listening to the clients’ requirements: Last but not the least, LISTEN TO YOUR CLIENT. They know their brand better than you. Don’t ride the ego train and make it worth their while. Make a design that compliments what the clients require from you.

All these factors contribute to making a bad and ineffective logo design. To avoid all these, a designer should be able enough to understand logodesigns in Sydney. He or she should know what the client wants, what is the brand mantra of the company, what products it offers and how does it differ from its competition. From all of this, it will be easier to decide on what sorts of color combinations suit the company best, what should be the focus of the logo and all this will be in line with the products/services offered.

Thursday, 7 August 2014

How does a business without logo sabotage you?

In this time and age, industries around the world are blooming and expanding at a voracious rate. Everyday approximately 100 new startups are initiated by entrepreneurs or by joint ventures. New startups often face a lot of troubles, financially and intellectually. Finding the right resource is sometimes a tough job, especially in this recession stricken economy. Finding the right person to handle your company affairs may be tough but not impossible. Once this is done, many other issues are lined up on the table; questions like, how long will we last? How much more internal issues will we face? Competition is gaining fast, what strategy do we opt? When will we start generating revenues? … But the most important question to ask is WHAT; what do we do to make our company stand out? What will affect our profits? What do we do to improve our company image and for what duration does this effect last? These questions are never ending and sometimes even difficult to answer and tackle. But they don’t last forever either.  

CEO’s of such companies usually have it all planned out and strategized to what mode of operation they want to proceed their company with. The most important part for any company is their outlook. The way they appear to their target audience is how they will establish a loyal customer base. Superficial as it may be but looks conquer first and then a good service does. If your look and feel is good, only then would a customer proceed in doing business with you. 

Perception is key in Marketing. How you perceive a brand the first time you see it, is what you will think of it for the rest of your life. We have heard many a times, A good first impression is a basic necessity; Make your impressions last or, one of the most famous ones, First impression is the last impression. Why is this important in marketing? Well, Marketing is not all creativity, strategy and fun; it involves psychological factors big time.

To explain this, consider an example of a logo design company in Australia who designs all sorts of graphics for you. Now, when you have your design ready and you place your product in a well-known store that has a good amount of customer traffic. When a customer glances by your company product, the first thing that he/she will notice is your Business Logo Design. Investing a good amount in designing your logo is vital for company survival. If it is shady or lacks any concept or brand mantra; your product will fail big time.

One might consider that this is a very small part of the whole picture. Believe it or not, this small ealing, use a creative design that shows your brand ethos. By following simple guidelines to what it does for your brand identity, you can achieve your sales profits in no time. But remember, change is a constant. Change your image from time to time; this will improve your standing in the market. Pick the right strategy and you won’t sabotage your company or the product/services you offer. 
element is very important. It establishes and enhances your company image and puts a positive tick in the minds of your target audience. Keep your colors simple and app

Wednesday, 6 August 2014

The new Era of Color Psychology; Logo + Web Design & Its Impact

One might wonder to why colors even matter when thinking of a design? The answer is that they explain the expression, idea and psychology of the creator. When we design something, we think of a concept layout, and then we think of a design and then the possible combinations. When we are thinking about a scheme, we are defining what our brand represents. We strategize our design in different shades and make it look aesthetically pleasing; something that soothes the eyes.

Behind every shade, there a psychology attached to it. For example, Blue is the color of calmness, Red of passion and authority, Yellow of happiness, Green of earth, Orange of warmth, purple is of royalty, Black is of sophistication and pink is of love. This list just goes on and on. There are countless hues in the spectrum that have meaning attached to them.

To explain what color and design can add up to is very wide spread and dynamic. If the former is an art, the latter is the glue that sticks the art to the design. It adds life to the design.

 “Color is not just there to please the eye. It represents something more than that. The earth, our thoughts, our moods, our passions, our life- all is explained in them” Says Lucy

Understanding color psychology is very important for any design company. This is also important for people in marketing and branding. Understanding different combinations and their effects help in making a good and informed design that can help attract customers. How does this work? How can color help in the decision making of a customer? This is in fact very true and supported by research.
Research has showed that people respond to brand names, designs and the colors used in making a purchase. Customers have certain shades stuck in their minds and they prefer buying such products. For example, when you go to shop for a dress, you want to buy something  that you like and you like it because it’s in your mind; you have some sort of association with it, probably a first bike or your first cake frosting  .

Design companies use unique combinations to make their logos stand out. Many logo design companies in Sydney use vibrant combinations to explain their brand mantras. They explain what their brand is all about by using dazzling contrasts. Yes, design does matter but design and color go together; like Hansel and Gretel.  If you are a branding enthusiast or want a career in branding/marketing, you need to know the basics of it and their attached meaning. Knowledge is key.